Mostra "Monet. Capolavori dal Musée Marmottan Monet di Parigi"

Dal 9 marzo al 14 luglio

Mostra "Le leggende del ciclismo. Le bici di Coppi, Bartali, Pantani e i miti padovani della pista!"

Dall'11 al 26 maggio, lungo i ballatoi

Micro festival dell'abitare 2024

Fino al 3 giugno

The city place devoted to culture

The Cultural Centre of Padua, situated in the heart of the city, organizes and proposes exhibitions, debates, festivals, shows, courses and conferences.
It is a five-storeyed structure with a total floor area of 12,000 sqm.

The Centre is a place “to exploit”, where one can socialize, study, attend concerts, shows, have lunch or just have a cup of coffee and read a book.

Ask for further info on the cultural center

The building, its history and renovation

Who we are and what we do

Photogallery and videos